Due to Honors night at the high school occurring on the same night as our first tryout clinic, we want to make sure all of our amazing girls have the opportunity to have their leadership and hard work celebrated that night so we have changed tryout dates. Cheer tryouts are very exciting for the hopeful cheerleaders and the coaches! We can't wait to see the amazingly talented people that want to be a part of this very special program! The following information will help clarify the coaches' expectations, the cheerleaders' jobs, as well as tryout clinics and much more!
In order to tryout, you must fill out the tryout application sheet; deliver the teacher and administrator evaluations; meet all the requirements; and attend the MANDATORY parent/ cheerleading applicant meetings. Packets can be found at LHS (room 807). Please see Mrs. Battle for any questions. Mrs. Pulley at Lanier Middle School will be providing packets and handbook for all those rising 9th graders who are interested in trying out.
You must attend the MANDATORY meeting if you want to try out. Potential cheerleader and parent must attend. We will review a lot of helpful information like: a preview of the contract, cost, tryout schedule, physical requirements, important and mandatory dates of participation, etc. The Orientation Meeting will be held on: Wednesday, April 16th , 2014 in the LHS Library @ 6:00pm